“The indigenous designer”

“Consider yourself a classic beauty. The least says the most and sometimes nothing at all🤣. But that’s a great thing! To embrace you is to know when to turn you up or off. The perfect ⚖️. The moments you take to shave, exfoliate, deep condition, moisturize are all considered full dress 👗💅. The silky feeling your legs have when you slide your leggings on( did you close your eyes and exhale). Priceless. It’s ok to take off your many hats and be who and what you want to be. Just know when you gather your bundles , lashes, and outfits that you’ve been framed with the best foundation known. Your own self value 💵.With the perfect pair of shoes, you can strut anywhere and control the room.

For me, I’ve always considered myself low maintenance, which is odd because I’ve been a fashion designer as long as I’ve known myself, and the expectation is that I slay to the heavens( absolutely not). I’ve always had a knack for creating pieces of clothing from nothing, but the desire was not to dress myself. My style over all has gone from grunge to chic, just for me to end up roller wrapping my hair, and putting on jeans and a t-shirt (it changes to comfort quick.) I believe style comes from within though, which is why I never look like the same girl twice. Some days I’m high glam, business casual, butch, girlie; it just kind of depends on the vibe I’m trying to give off. I can’t really describe it beyond that really... I dress for the occasion, the outfit has to function in the setting as well as fit the theme and all that other stuff most people don’t over think about, but I over analyze everything which usually results in..(sigh). Consider me a classic beauty, the kind of woman that knows what she wants and wears it outwardly....custom made. ” 

-Sharlyn C.1990

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  • Great read!!

    • Karen
  • Great read!!

    • Karen